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6 Ways to Boost Twitter Followers

Published on 14.10.2020 by Ice Geek

With Twitter being one of the top players of the social media platforms, more and more people and businesses find it imperative to become visible here. Now the question arises: How does one boost Twitter followers to engage with one’s posts?

Twitter Engagement

You’ve probably heard the expression “engaging with Twitter” and probably wondered what that meant. It refers to the content that you have posted. You can engage with others using your content in these ways:

  • By clicking “Favorite” on their tweets
  • Retweeting and Responding to their tweets
  • Referring to them in separate tweets

Importance of Twitter Engagement

Twitter has a count of all your followers. If it’s a huge count, it makes one feel important and popular. It’s also important because if you have a large following, you can reach out to a vast number of people using your content. So, your target audience grows, and your audience looks up to you.

But how do you increase Twitter followers enough to make you look important? Here are some leading ways:

  • Increase the Number of Your Tweets Every Day

According to diehard Twitter users, about four to five tweets per day can increase your engagement on this platform dramatically. Posting here isn’t limited to individuals, companies can also post tweets related to their products.

This platform is open to a variety of tweets—personal, industry-related, breaking news, government-related, sports, e-commerce—it’s an open field.

  • Everything’s in the Timing

If you post your tweets on weekdays around noon and in the late afternoons, you’ll be able to catch the attention of a majority of Twitter users. This is bound to give you the exposure you yearn for. If you’re tweeting for your brand, it makes sense to schedule tweets for those times when users are seen to be active so that they see your tweets and respond to them.

  • Add in Images, Infographics, and Videos

If your tweets are accompanied by images or any visuals, there’s a higher chance of them being liked, shared, or even retweeted.

  • Tag, Reply, and Retweet

By engaging regularly with other users of Twitter by replying, tagging, or retweeting, your brand gets more eyeballs. If you write a detailed response, you will have more followers than you would if you sent out a terse reply. You can also get more brands interested if you tag their brands.

  • Be Brief

You can’t exceed 280 characters per tweet, but if you shorten them a little more, you could increase your engagement here. The ideal figure is between 80 characters and 110 if you wish to enhance retweets. So, don’t dash off anything on this platform.

  • Use Hashtags

An element associated with Twitter is the hashtag, so you will inevitably have to accompany your tweets with at least one hashtag. It helps a related audience locate you when they look for the hashtag you use, thereby increasing engagement.

There’s a dramatic engagement increase when a hashtag is used as against when it isn’t. So, if it’s eyeballs you’re after, you’re well-advised to use hashtags.


These are just six ways of increasing your followers and views on Twitter. As you engage more regularly here, you will find more ways of achieving your goal of having increased followers.