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Advanced Instagram Features you can explore today

Published on 06.06.2019 by James

Instagram is on top of the social networks industry. It's 2019, and everyone around the globe with a great sense of social life uses Instagram in everyday life. There are lots of things that can't be seen from the first sight. You may be using the Instagram app every day for a few years already, but there are hidden gems you were not paying attention to. We will share the secret features of Instagram to ease your daily life.

1. Download Your Instagram Story

Is it not wrong to share your daily story only on Instagram? You probably use Facebook and Snapchat also. So, you have the chance to download boomerang Instagram story. It's a new feature that Instagram developers added for your comfortable life. You can make a perfect Instagram story and may decide to publish it on other platforms as well. By this feature, everything gets easier - you can download and upload it to another application.

2. Archive Instagram Posts

Do you remember the picture you took three months ago? Or maybe you liked a phone of new haircut back in 2016? Well, today, you have a chance to archive Instagram posts. And you know what? That archive would be visible for you unless you decide on a different option.

When you decide to delete an Instagram post, think about another side of the coin. Maybe in the future, you can change your mind? And if the post is removed, you may regret it. That's why Instagram developers gave you the option of the archive. You can save those posts in the archive, and those posts will be visible only for you. That's a perfect option, cause after some time you can make those posts alive again.

3. Do you have a favorite Instagram user? Get notification.

The notification feature is a perfect option to get an instant update from your favorite Instagram users. Do you love Beyonce's music? Maybe you adore Cristiano Ronaldo's career? Don't miss any Instagram post, story, live video, or simple video from your favorite Instagram users. Turn on notification function and get on top of the informational world.

4. How to see what others like on Instagram

You can see what people like on Instagram. Remember, you can only check the activity of your account followings. So, if you would love to see Selena Gomez's activity on Instagram, then you can follow her, and from the activity panel, you can see what Selena is doing on Instagram.

5. Search Instagram users without having an account.

There are people who have not created an Instagram account or deactivated it for various reasons. It's not the end of the world. You can still access Instagram from the browser and find the user you search for. We have a secret trick on how to do that.

If you access the Instagram URL from browsers, you will be asked to create an account. If you add username after the slash, then you can access Instagram without an account, and there will be a search tab where you can find your desired account.

For example, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most followers person on Instagram. He has 170 Million followers, and his Instagram username is "Cristiano." So if you add the phrase "cristiano" at the end of Instagram.com, you will see his activity on IG from your browser - (live example: Instagram.com/cristiano).