Accelerate Your Social Media Growth with SocialWick. Quickly gain real followers, viewers, likes & more with our blend of marketing tactics. SocialWick is known for its fast delivery, premium quality, and low prices. With over a million satisfied customers since 2017, trust SocialWick to take your social media game to the next level.
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Published on 17.01.2021 by Mike
Today is the day when you learn SEO from scratch. With our guideline, you'll understand every little SEO aspect in 2021. Last year was challenging not only for offline businesses but also for people who were hit by the significant algorithm updates of Google. In this guideline (that comes in different parts) we will go through every vital part of the SEO to keep up with the updates of Algorithm in 2021.
SEO consists of many parts. You can't be the top-notch expert in every part of SEO, but it's essential to understand each vital aspect clearly. First of all, everyone starts SEO with the keyword research. If you make it right, then half of the work is done. Search engine optimization continues with the on-page part. In this case, you have to take care of installing a content management system (CMS), optimize the design (it could be WordPress, Joomla or another type of CMS) and finish with the technical aspect of the website. The third part of SEO includes link building. Google algorithm updates note that links have to be acquired naturally. So, it's always believed that big brands (like Buzzfeed, Forbes, NY Times, etc.) would still get more affection from Google because they get links naturally (by getting thousands of shares on social networks and naturally being mentioned in the regular blog posts).
We will go through the first part of the search engine optimization in this part. Keyword research is a vital part and often underestimated. What should you know about keyword research? Why is it essential to do proper keyword research? Can you learn the market by doing research? Well, in the next few passages, you'll understand everything about the 'keyword universe'. (check the image below - Google itself even offers keyword suggestions)
Keyword research is simply the process when you find the words, terms and phrases. Those are called 'keywords' and Google, Bing, YouTube and other search engines are based on those keywords. Without keywords, search engines can't work correctly. That's why even Google and YouTube always suggest that you focus on more search phrases. In other words, keyword research is the 'market research' in 2021. That's why you need to focus more on keyword research. If you find a niche or sub-niche with less competition, you are halfway at the top of Google/YouTube.
Let's take an example of bad and good keywords (a.k.a market research). When you start working on a new project, please start with the main ideas. Here is the list of the top industries to focus your focus in 2021
Smart home
Tools for garden
Beauty and health
Investing and financing
Electronics and computers
For our research, let's take a look into the particular industry. Let's start working keyword research in this space - smart home and accessories. You can find lots of smart home products on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, etc. Many brands try to make a name in this space, so it's hard to find those names while Googling.
If we search for 'smart doorbell' on Ahrefs, we will see that keyword is not easy to tap into. Don't be discouraged by this fact. First of all, we have a chance to find the top 10 websites that rank for this keyword (check the image below - here are the top 10 websites ranking for our desired keyword).
As you see, our desired keyword is very competitive. Those websites are brands, big brands that got trust from people - so it will be hard to compete. You see NY Times, Amazon, Home Depot and PCMAG. What should we do in this case? Everything leads to focusing on another approach - let's search for keywords with the same phrase as our desired keyword. (Check the image below - you see that there are thousands of keywords that have the exact phrase we are looking for).
If you take a close look at the image, you'll see that we have bolded the following keyword - "smart doorbell and lock."
Hope you don't think that we find those kinds of keywords out of the blue. You have to do the manual work - go and check every single keyword, no matter what. Maybe the keyword has only 100 searches per month? It's worth it because you may find a phrase connected with that keyword and deliver 1000 more targeted Google users. After checking each keyword manually, we have come up with one particular keyword - 'smart doorbell and lock' - Now let's check the top 10 websites ranking for this keyword. (check the image below - you see top 10 competitors)
We know that you are impressed now because of the results. You see that a website with only domain rating 4 and only 20 referring domains is ranking the top for a particular keyword. Yes, that's a winning keyword, we are on the right track.
Now it's time to find more keywords in the 'smart home' niche after getting one straightforward and successful search phrase. We call it 'learning from a winner' and let's do this in practice. A ranking for our desired keyword has only domain rating 4.
If the website is not robust and is ranking for keywords as the top result, then it means that keywords are easy to target. So, anyone can enter the competition and dominate the market. Now, let's search for keywords that particular website is ranking as the top result - those keywords are easy to target indeed (check the image below - you'll see keywords that are easy to target in the smart home market)
Voilà - our research has come to an end. We have finished the little research (that may take up to 10 minutes) with a successful project. We found a sub-niche in smart home space that can be dominated without significant effort.
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We are a social media marketing company, and we have a wide variety of services across different platforms that our clients can pick and choose from. Once selected, we can create a plan to suit their needs. There are several types of services, such as channel or profile follows, channel subscribers or followers, video views, song plays, etc.
Absolutely. Unlike the other shops, SocialWick only uses the safest and the most secure methods to deliver followers, likes, etc. to your account. That means that we don’t break any rules and terms. Therefore, your account will always be safe!
No, you can keep your passwords to yourself because our services don’t need a password to influence your accounts. In case you ever receive an email that says it is from us, asking you a password, please report it to us immediately.
Unlike many services that inflate their ability to get you likes and followers, we only use real people to give our clients likes, follows, etc. With our social media marketing method, our clients’ accounts are grown organically and can also get you subscribers and likes from people who are not associated with us.
We will show you the estimated delivery time when choosing the service. However, this is only a rough and estimated value — in most cases, the services are delivered much faster. In some cases, it may take longer. We always aim for a natural and secure delivery!
Although we have many services across most social media companies, our services within the Instagram platform are our best-selling options.
Because we only use real people, your account(s) will not be penalized. We never, ever use bots, as using bots would lower the quality of our services. We understand that social media marketing is full of bots and fakery. Still, we are dedicated to authentic views, and profile follows that benefit your accounts.
If our clients need to communicate with us to resolve their problems or questions, we have a customer support ticket system available 24/7. Click on the contact button, and you will be sent to our support form. When you buy one of our services, we will email you to check if there were any problems. Your satisfaction is our top priority.
Yes! If you would like to request a large order that isn’t on our ordering layout, we will have no problems accommodating you. If you contact us on our customer support form, we can help you create a buying plan that meets your needs.
We accept all forms of credit and debit cards, as well as visa gift cards, PayPal, and Crypto.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of our social media marketing services, refunds are unavailable. However, SocialWick is dedicated to customer satisfaction. If you elaborate on why you find our services to be underwhelming, we can cooperate with you and discover what will best meet your needs.
Please make sure the following criteria are met before placing an order to secure a successful delivery.
You may submit a refill request through the contact form. Please note that we can only provide you with a free refill within the first 60 days of your purchase.
We are the leading marketplace for social media promotion. You can buy followers, likes, views, and a lot more for nearly all social media networks. We offer affordable prices without making any compromises in terms of the service quality.
With over a million satisfied customers, including big-name artists, companies, and well-known influencers, SocialWick is the go-to platform for all your social media needs. Our services are 100% discreet and secure, with gradual and natural delivery to ensure your social media accounts are never at risk.
With more than 10 million orders, SocialWick is one of the world’s biggest social media stores. You can find everything on our website to improve your presence on major social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, etc. We offer different types of services for several social media platforms. Your wish is our command, and whatever your goal might be, SocialWick will help you achieve it. Whether you need more likes on your Instagram photos or want to make your LinkedIn profile more popular by getting additional followers, SocialWick is there to turn your goal into reality.
Thanks to our effective services and our customer-oriented work, SocialWick has become a top player. You will not find a better service anywhere else, especially not at such affordable prices. SocialWick is operating since 2017.
Your satisfaction is our motivation! We’re not here just for the money; we do our work to help people find their road to social media success. And that’s why our team will do all to make sure everything goes according to plan. If there’s something wrong with your social media campaign, or worry that there might be some problems with your account, or want to learn more about how our services work, feel free to ping us. Our service staff is there for you seven days a week, ready to answer any of your questions. You can get in touch with us using the contact form on our website.
Unless you’re Kylie Jenner, you do need some help with social media. The more followers you get on platforms like Instagram and Twitter, the more influential you get. Having the power to influence people’s opinions is not only impressive but can also be very profitable. The bad news is that everyone wants to be famous and influential these days, but only a few can succeed. The good news is that you can be the chosen one who will get social media fame and everything that comes with it. But, for that, you need a little help from your friends from SocialWick.
With our help, you will increase the number of followers on social media, which will have a domino effect and bring you even more new followers. Once people see that you got big followership, they will decide to give you a follow. "If a profile has so many followers, it means that it’s interesting" – you can be sure this is going to be their reasoning. Furthermore, more followers mean a better ranking on search engines. And that means more potential customers/clients for your business. Finally, a large number of followers also do great for your credibility. Our social media services will help you to create a better overall picture of your brand.
Let’s be honest; a business with 30,000 followers is much more credible than one with 74 followers. And that’s exactly what potential customers will pay attention to. A weak social media profile can be a real deal-breaker. At the same time, a fantastic social media profile can do wonders for your company. And SocialWick can make your social media profile amazing!