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How to Build Your Audience by using Instagram Stories

Published on 17.09.2020 by Natia

Did you know that about half of monthly users on Instagram uses stories? So, 1 Billion stories are posted on Instagram every day. According to the research, about 60-65 % of people become more interested in the product or brand after seeing them in their stories. Instagram stories disappear after hours. As you know, they do not show up in the news feed. So, you don't need to worry about overloading them. 


Add a Hashtag to your Instagram Stories

When you add some hashtags to your stories, it will make them more discoverable. The Instagram algorithm may select them to appear on the page for the added hashtag. Use the Hashtag sticker or a regular text to add a hashtag to your story. Up to ten Hashtags can be added to each story.

Add a Location

Adding a location to your Instagram Story will also expend reach a wider audience. End your story with a Location Page. So, you will end up with increased interest and a lot more views. Noteworthy, you will need a business Instagram account to be able to set up a location page.

Use Stories Highlights

Highlighting your Instagram Stories will let you save them for more than 24 hours. In this way, you can pin them front and center for your followers. Use this great place for your best content that is brand-defining. Each highlight can contain a limitless amount of stories. So, you can keep adding when you post new content.