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How to delete Facebook Page

Published on 23.08.2023 by Tracey Chizoba Fletcher

A Guide on How to Delete a Facebook Page

Source: https://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/how-to-delete-facebook-pages-groups-and-accounts/

Having an online platform where you can introduce and interact with your prospective and existing customers is one of the best ways to promote your business and brand. There are many channels for achieving this objective, and one of them is having a Facebook page. You may ask, what makes a Facebook page different from a Facebook profile?

A Facebook profile is your personal Facebook account where you share your ideas and connect with friends and family, while a Facebook page is specifically created for business purposes, to connect with your customers, market and promote your products and services, and gain a wider audience as you increase your online presence. This platform has assisted businesses and corporations to increase their brand awareness and productivity. 

There will be instances when you may choose to delete a Facebook page. It could be because the business has collapsed or it has shut down, or other personal reasons. It can be quite herculean to do this if you don’t have a guide. This article will lead you through the steps to get this done without breaking a sweat.

First, you must be the administrator of your page. This means that you're either in control or the manager of your page is in control. If you're not an admin of the page and you can’t reach the manager, then you might not be able to delete your Facebook page. If you're trying to delete a duplicate page and you don't have access to it, claim ownership of that page first. By doing so, you become an admin, and you can now access the option to delete the Facebook page.


Why Can't I Delete My Facebook Page?

If you're unable to delete a Facebook page, then you are not an admin of that Facebook page. In a rare case, another admin may have canceled the deletion of that page before the 14 day trial elapsed. The other admin may have reasons to cancel the Facebook page, especially if he is unaware of the reason for the Facebook page deletion.

However, if your page is registered with a Facebook Business Manager (FBM) account connected to a “parent” company, you can learn how to delete the Facebook Page using the Facebook Business Manager.


What Does Deleting A Facebook Page Mean?

Deleting your Facebook page means that it will be taken down and nobody will be able to see or access it. However, there is a clause. If the page deletion is not intentional or you later change your mind within 14 days, you can restore the page. All its contents, posts, and engagements will be restored, including data and Facebook reviews. If the 14 day period elapses, then all content will be lost and you can’t retrieve the page. You must be sure of your intent to delete your Facebook page before taking action.

Unpublishing a Facebook Page

If you’re uncertain about your intention to delete your Facebook page or you're being careful about losing your Facebook business page’s content and data, you have the option to “unpublish” the Facebook page. Unpublishing your page means that it will be hidden from the social media space and people who follow your page. It will only be visible to the admin who manages the Facebook page.

You can publish or unpublish your Facebook page whenever you want to. However, if you permanently delete a page, it cannot be undone after 14 days when the review period is over.


How to Delete a Facebook Page

The first thing to note when you want to delete your Facebook page is your certainty about your decision to delete your page. Once this is confirmed, these are the steps to take:


  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Go to the sidebar menu of the homepage and click on “Pages” 


  1. Click the page you intend to delete


  1. Navigate the sidebar menu and select “Settings”


  1. Navigate to the General tab and click on “Remove Page”




  1. Tap the Delete Page icon


  1.  Click “OK” on the pop-up alert 


By going back to the General tab on the Settings page within the 14 day window, you can reactivate your page. If you scroll down, you'll see a tab alerting you that your page is about to be deleted. Click “Cancel Deletion” and on the following page, click “Confirm.”


On the website for Facebook Business Manager:

Log into your account on the Facebook Business Manager website.


On the website for Facebook Business Manager:

  1. Log into your account via the Facebook Business Manager website 
  2. Click “Settings”
  3. Select Settings for more businesses
  4. Click “Pages” under Accounts
  5. Select the Page you desire to delete, then proceed to the top right side and click “Remove”
  6. You will receive a notification to confirm the deletion process. Confirm the Delete Page.


For Facebook mobile app:

  1. Re-open the Facebook app, log in, and tap the three grid lines on the top-right corner 


  1. Select “Pages” and click the page you want to delete


  1. Click “Settings”


  1. Navigate the General tab to the Remove Page section 


  1. Click the hyperlink Delete [your page name] and tap “Delete Page” in the pop-up 


  1. You will be notified that your page is in “deletion mode” and to cancel it in 14 days. Click “OK.”


You can reactivate your page in the next 14 days by returning to the General icon on the Settings page. Scroll down and you will see a tab saying that your page will be deleted. Click on the “Cancel Deletion” icon and select “Confirm.”


Unpublishing a Facebook Page 

Rather than removing your page permanently, choose to make it hidden from other Facebook users by unpublishing it. 

On the Facebook website:

  1. Log into the Facebook website


  1. On the homepage, navigate to the sidebar menu and click “Pages”






  1. Select the page you intend to delete
  3. Select “Settings”








  1. Navigate the General tab and select “Page Visibility”




  1. Click the button for “Unpublished” and Save the Changes 





  1. Click “Next” after selecting a justification for unpublishing your page
  2. Click “Unpublish”


For Facebook Business Manager:

  1. Enter the website for Facebook Business Manager
  2. Within the sidebar menu, select “Settings”
  3. More business environments to navigate
  4. Under accounts, select “Pages”
  5. In the top-right corner of the page you desire to delete, tap “View Page”
  6. At the top of the page, at the right corner of the menu grid, click “Settings.” Instead of the gear-shaped icon at the right top corner, look between Edit Page Info and Help. You'll be returned to office settings 
  7. Click the General tab's Page Visibility link
  8. To save changes, select the Page Unpublished button.
  9. Click “Next” after selecting a justification for unpublishing your page
  10. Choose a choice, then tap “Unpublish”


When using the mobile app:

  1. To load your news feed, launch the app, log in, and tap the three gridlines
  2. Select the page you want to remove from publication by clicking pages on the menu
  3. Select “Settings”





  1. Navigate the General icon and click “Page Visibility”






  1. Tap “Unpublish” and you'll see the blue mark indicating that your page is now hidden from the public



How can I permanently remove a Facebook page

You must be the page's administrator to delete a page. Facebook's top right corner should be clicked. Navigate to your page by tapping Pages. Select “General Settings” from the menu. Tap “Delete” [page name] under Remove Page. Choose “Delete Page.”


Why am I unable to delete a Facebook page?

If you are not the page's administrator, you can’t delete the Facebook page. Also, another admin might have halted the deletion of that page prior to the expiration of the trial's 14 days review period. If the other admin is unaware of the cause of the Facebook page deletion, he may have good reason to delete the page.

You can find out how to delete the Facebook page using the Facebook Business Manager if your page is associated with a Facebook Business Manager (FBM) account linked to a "parent" company.