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Increase engagement today Buy Cheapest Instagram Followers

Published on 01.09.2019 by James

Do you know that up to 13% of the world population uses Instagram? It is a perfect chance for every business or personality to promote their stuff. There are lots of social networks that can transform your life, but Instagram is the trendiest one.

Today we will focus on powerful Instagram tips that can increase engagement. Why it’s essential to have a high engagement rate? Brands have a high engagement rate on Instagram. For example, brands get up to 5% engagement rate, and it’s a more top than Facebook or Twitter. Instagram engagement rate is ten times higher than Facebook engagement or 90 more times higher than Twitter.

Posting frequently but on specific times

Instagram users love content. The social network itself was created for content reproduction. People consume a lot of images & videos every day through the Instagram feed. It’s your chance to promote a product or your business idea.

Some studies show the perfect frequency of posting content. If you want to be in the golden route of posting, then 1-2 per day is enough. But everything depends on the industry, niche, and several followers. Do you have a business account on Instagram? It’s a must because business account gives you data. If you check on data, you will know your follower's goals. Try to figure out when your followers are active and whether they love frequent posts.

Tell a story every time you post

People love reading stories, and every post should be story related. Publishing content and having a strong storyline is 90% of success.

You can tell a story to your followers through every function. For example, add exciting stories with the captions when posting pictures or videos. Don’t forget to you “daily story” feature. And you can tell your story every day with that feature.

IGTV is an essential feature of Instagram

Instagram added a new feature – Instagram TV. You can upload videos with any length. The new feature got popular soon after the release date and every brand uploads lengthy videos on Instagram almost every day.

Don’t forget to add subtitles to Instagram videos because people love reading captions. Try your best to add captions and let the engagement rate increase as it gives your followers pleasure.

Most significant help - buy cheapest Instagram followers

If you want to increase the engagement rate, then it’s a must to have real and active followers. When you start an Instagram marketing, it’s tough to keep up with trends. That’s why you need professional help. Social Wick is a company that can transform your Instagram marketing campaigns. You can buy the cheapest Instagram followers only on SocialWick as the company delivers only quality at an affordable price.

Instagram followers are essential, so they must be active and engage in your posts. That’s how you can increase the engagement rate. If you buy cheapest Instagram followers from Social Wick, you go for quality people who are ready to engage and love your content.

The Instagram algorithm keeps a close eye on every Instagram post and engagement rate. So, if you have a higher engagement rate, you can make it to trend pages and become viral quickly.