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Master TikTok in 2021

Published on 13.01.2021 by Lewis

TikTok took the world with the storm. With more than 1.5 billion downloads, the application is one of the biggest platforms worldwide. If someone is talking about the online business platform, we always channel them to Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Yes, this platform was not so popular back in 2019, but pandemic changed everything.

The application has everything - started with a little dance function and finished with educational stuff. If you have a business and are not pushing it on TikTok yet, you are losing thousands of dollars every day. The TikTok algorithm is still in the stage of development, so jump into the trend while it's boiling.

Choose a Niche that matter.

If you want to start a TikTok journey, the first step is to choose a perfect niche. What could be an ideal niche? Well, there could be many answers. Let's dive deep into this stuff. If you are a businessman and there is already a product/service that your account has to be promoted, you are limited to a particular niche. You have to create a TikTok account around that niche. If you are starting digital space and don't have a product/service to sell yet, choosing a keywords/niche wisely is a perfect option. What niche do you need to choose? It depends on many factors. The biggest advice we give you is that people in your industry must have a "MASS DESIRE". If you are a fan of advertising theories, you would know that mass desire moves mountains in businesses. Without a mass desire, your product/service is ready for failure. Pick a niche that holds a huge passion in the masses and then channel that desire onto your product/service - easy as that.

Get onto the trend quickly.

It's essential to jump onto the trend quickly. It's not easy to spot the trend. For instance, if you have chosen a niche wisely, you are standing on a million-dollar space. How to attract the attention of the people? Jump onto the trend and make particular trend videos on your niche. How can you spot the trend? We can give you an inside tip for successful research. It sounds effortless - use the TikTok application yourself every single day. Don't miss a day without checking videos on TikTok. When you spend hours and hours on the platform, then you understand how the TikTok algorithm works. After using TikTok for few hours, you’ll see that same voice/dance/action is used by various influencers. It means that trend is getting traction and you have to use it right away.

Prepare and Practice

If you want your account to go viral on the platform, you should create something unique. We don't say that you need to create a new wheel. It's essential to understand the basics of TikTok and hop onto the trends. How can you use trends as an advantage? Hop onto the trend right away and don't forget to create a video on trends that can stand in a crowded place. Keep in mind that millions of people are doing the same trend, moves and ideas. You can separate from the crowd if you master a particular trend. The main tip is to practice and prepare - do it repeatedly. Check the trend and find the accounts that have videos on that trend. If those videos are on top of the trend, it means that the TikTok algorithm favored them. If TikTok prefers the videos, you should take notes from those creators. Small tips from us would be reading comments. Don't forget to read all the written comments on top videos of the trends. What are people saying? Why are they liking and watching the videos of particular creators? The key to successful TikTok videos lays in the comment sections. You'll see why people got interested in detailed videos and creators. Copy those comments and save in the notes. After a few hours of research, you'll have a good idea of how those videos went viral.

Tell the story

Another easy way to get popular on TikTok is telling stories. If you have a business, then it could be stories related to your product/service. Telling stories is always crucial because no matter how many hours people are scrolling through TikTok, they are still ready to listen to others' stories. Keep in mind that you have 5 seconds to get the random users' interest. Tell the most essential part of the story in the first five seconds of the video. As you start with the most critical part of the story, you can continue with a different narrative. Don't create other parts of the stories - by that way you annoy people. At some point, people will follow and ask to get the second or even third part of the story, but in the long-run, it's the worst strategy you can ever choose. Try to fit the whole story in one video and write that you care about the TikTok community, and that's why you create only one video. By that way, you get more positive points in the eyed TikTok community. (Check the image below - #storytime has more than 50 billion views, so it means that 'story-telling' space on TikTok is "huuuge")


Product/service channels VS regular channel

Both types of approaches have a way to live. Keep in mind that it's 2020, and we have different aspects of marketing. You can solely focus on your product-service and start a brand channel. Simultaneously, you can create big-niche related channels and have more authority. Don't forget that niche channel means you'll have more significant trust and authority in the industry. When you focus on a product-service channel, you may leave an unpleasant experience on most random users. To make sure that they trust and follow you from the first video, it's better to focus on niche-related channels. Look at the whole picture to make sure that people understand your approach.

Collaborate with influencers/businesses

It's the most underrated tip that someone can get in most cases. When it comes to promotions on TikTok, collaborating with other influencers is very important. Don’t work with an influencer who is not connected with your niche. Try to search for someone related to the niche you work. Don't sell your product/service in the first partnership. TikTok is a very friendly community, and they see from the first sight whether it's the regular collaboration (solely for making more money/profit) or collaboration for the fans. When we say collaboration for the fans, it simply means creating content to entertain the followers. As mentioned above, don't start selling from the first collaboration. Have a few sequences of cooperation. Try to sell product/service in entertainment style, definitely in the third-fourth video of collaboration. (see the image below to demonstrate how two accounts collaborate with each other - you can see influencer David Dobrik is collaborating (by tagging and adding promotional text) with banking company)


Create high-quality content

When it comes to quality, don't settle for regular content. To gain TikTok followers, you need to create high-quality content. When we say "high-quality,” we refer to the topics of the content and the technologies you use during the creation process. First of all, you can use only your iPhone or other smartphones for the videos. Don't forget that top-tier creators on TikTok use different video systems and then work on each video content before uploading on TikTok. You don't need to create content on your phone and upload right away. Take your time, edit the videos properly - you can even use Adobe Premier and other software's special effects. Don't limit yourself with only TikTok features.

Post on perfect time, with an ideal frequency

It's essential to look into the data. First of all, start posting content at different times. Try to look at the data at the end of the week or month. You'll find out exciting information regarding the traffic. Data will tell you the exact time to post the video. It's essential to work with data. It will tell you the perfect time of the day to post videos and make it viral. You'll see which videos get more views and why those videos got many views. There are many components included in the data, so without understanding your account's data, you won't go far on TikTok. (you've to check analytics at first - see the picture below that demonstrares the 'analytics feature' on TikTok)


Hashtags are important

Never underestimate the power of hashtags. First of all, following two hashtags are very important. You have to add #FYP and #Global. You add too much power to your content with those terms. FYP simply means "For your page". As you may know, the TikTok algorithm is diverse and has very interesting features. "For you" page is a place where you see lots of videos, and it's auto-generated for your taste in content. Do you like most music or funny videos? The TikTok algorithm will suggest more funny and music videos. When you add a particular hashtag to your video content, it sends the signal to the algorithm you want to get on global TikTok. That's why your video is taken to the next level. Don't limit yourself with only two hashtags. Go and check the pages of competitors. Open a google document and write down every hashtag that your competitors use on their video content. Don't forget to add notes to each hashtags. What kind of messages you may ask. Notes added to each hashtags should mention the number of views in a time-frame. For instance, if your competitor has a hashtag (#XY), it was posted one week ago and had more than 1.2 million views - track all this information. BY that way, you'll understand which hashtags make you wonder in a particular time-frame.

Simple tricks that TikTok creators do before going viral

There are a few trends that can make you go viral. First of all, you can predict something and say a particular date in the video. Then people will go crazy about it, and the comment will blow up. You'll have lots of comments asking you about the event and what will happen. Why can this trend make your videos go viral? It's all about the psychological moment. People want to know about the future, and they are scared of someone who knows 'the future' - prophet. Although it's not professional to start your career on TikTok with that kind of content, it's an easy way to go viral.

Tag big influencers or popular accounts in your niche

You have two options - you can either tag a big influencer/celebrity or popular account in your niche. Why is it so important? Keep following this simple rule - you'll see results soon. When you tag celebrities (Shawn Mendes) in your post, the TikTok algorithm suggests your video to Shawn Mendes' fans, and your video is promoted organically in the 'global for you page'. As your videos get on global FYP, you'll quickly buy thousands of TikTok followers as “virality” plays a significant role.

In the last part of the series, we will cover two main essential factors how your account can gain TikTok followers and get regular fame on the app. Keep in mind that application changed the lives of thousands of people. It's believed that after Facebook and Google, TikTok will be the most effective marketing tool in WWW. 2020 was a massive year for this application, and 2021 will be better. It's a perfect time to jump into the TikTok bandwagon.

Create trends

In the last series, we talked about jumping onto the trends bandwagon. In those posts, we mentioned jumping onto other's trends. Those trends are already popular and have the attention of millions of users. Why not create personal trends? It's not easy, but it's not impossible either. How to get inspiration for a new trend? First of all, go for any popular trend in TikTok. Read the comments and find out the reasons why people love it. You'll also see that some users don't like the trend and ask them why it's not a good fit for them. They will be happy to share personal ideas on why the trend is not good. You can ask them how a particular trend can be improved and re-invented. You don't need to invert a new wheel or mobile, check the latest popular trend and re-invent. Change something - even the voice of the trend - and it will be enough to get credit and great recognition. (see the image below - biggest TikTok influencer (more than 105 million followers) tagged (DC) the creator of the trend (dance))

Charlie Damelio


Rating random things

It was one of the most popular trends on TikTok back in the winter of 2020. Most of the TikTok users used this trend because it's funny and exciting at the same time. You may be doing business promotion or personal branding on TikTok. That's why the 'rating random things' trend could be beneficial. You can start showing random things and finish with your product. YouTube users believe that David Dobrik did the same thing while doing the GQ trend on YouTube. GQ visited David Dobrik for the series called "things that David Dobrik can't live without". He showed them things that David can't live a single day, and in the middle of the video, he started promoting his fragrance. That's a perfect way to integrate your product promotion into the trend.

Being the main character

If you are doing personal branding, this trend is a perfect choice. You have to take any movie, tv-show, random or viral story and make yourself the main character. It's a fascinating and exciting trend. Don't stop with just one video content. Do you know that most popular creators choose a particular trend and create videos in that specific trend until they get famous? Yes, it's a widespread thing on TikTok. So, select this trend, take one particular story, movie or show and start making videos.

Have entertaining username and BIO

TikTok is all about entertainment. Yes, we can sell many products and service, get famous on the platform, but in the end, it's an application created for entertainment. People who are tired from work, studies and different things, open TikTok to relieve the stress and have a little bit of fun. The first thing is that your username has to be fun and short. By that way, a random “scroller” will notice your username and can memorize it. You must have an easily memorable username. What's your niche? Try to get a funny name in that niche. You can add your name into the username along with a funny name. You can easily convert regular people into TikTok followers with a funny and straightforward username.

As for the BIO, don't go for ample descriptions. It's not YouTube or other platforms where you need to adapt to algorithm stuff. In this case, your BIO can consist of a few words. It can be one sentence or even a one-word sentence. Just be very cautious and develop a hilarious, short and exciting caption for BIO. Particular BIO text can turn your regular TikTok page into the followers' machine.

TikTok is not lip-synced or dancing app anymore.

Keep in mind that TikTok is not a lip-syncing or dancing app anymore. Also, it's not an application for only 'GEN Z'. Millions of people are ready to consume different types of content. That's where you have to open the mind and try to think creatively. Thinking outside the box will give you a chance to boost your page's popularity. Don't be afraid to put the content you believe is worth uploading. You may not be dancing or singing but become an overnight success on TikTok because it's a magical application with no logical references. Trust your gut feeling and start creating content today while staying consistent with the frequency of uploading.