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Product Research Tips To Uncover Legit Ecommerce Market Opportunities

Published on 12.02.2021 by Wayne Mendoza

Do you want to learn about product research methods? This post will try to uncover the hidden secrets that top-tier e-commerce companies have during the product research. Without a proper product/niche research, it's impossible to achieve success in e-commerce. If you find the hidden and most promising market, then you have the power to dominate the space for years. The difference between thousands of dollars and million-dollar e-com business lay in the market/keyword research. In this post, you'll learn a few hidden secrets that can change your research strategy.


Google Trends has a different taste.

You probably heard about Google Trends. It's the platform where people can see the world's latest trends. Google is a massive platform, so don't limit yourself. Keep in mind that Google allows users to see the trends on any particular date. For instance, you can find the Google trends that were most searched last weekend, month, year, etc. 

The interface of Google trends is straightforward and easy. Go and check the latest, 24 hours trends of Google and browse the specific country. Do you want to focus on selling products in the United States? Well, browse the latest trends in the United States. If you're going to sell products in France, you can check France's latest trends. Making thousands of dollars quickly is always related to trends. If millions of people suddenly search for a particular niche, it means that you are standing in front of El Dorado. In this case, e-com entrepreneurs act fast and search for products to fit a particular trend. They create websites (it could be Shopify or Woocommerce) in just a few hours and start advertising right away (check the image below - it's easy to spot the latest trends with this platform).


The second option with the trends is related to Twitter. When you log in to Twitter, you'll find the right column is entirely related to the latest tweets. If people use the same hash-tag in the tweets in the last few hours and it's more than 1 000, Twitter calls it a 'trend'. Browse Twitter trends and find what the users posting about are. By that way, you can catch the latest trends easily and get lots of profit quickly. Browse the options and personalize the Twitter trends (for your region, country, interest) and let Twitter's algo know what you want from the trends (check the image below - Twitter trends showing latest viral news).


Study Amazon categories

Amazon is the biggest marketplace around the globe. You can find the latest opportunities in the categories. What's the most exciting category for your products? Amazon has hundreds of categories and subcategories on the platform. Browse any particular Amazon category you wish and then go for the top-selling products. It's the easiest way to uncover the latest top-selling products (trends). Keep in mind that if something is selling on Amazon, then the demand is there. (check the image below - it's just a little list of the categories on Amazon)